DIY Advent Calendar

DIY Advent Calendar

 I just love advent calendars. They are such a great childhood memory for me.

I thought I would try my luck at making a plastic-free advent calendar for Lenny this year using items I found around the house and garden (excluding the treats inside).

What you will need:

- Twine

- Wrapping paper

- Scissors

- Tape

- Treats to go inside: I used Loco Love, wooden toy and angel decoration, dried flowers and bio glitter

- Foliage to decorate

- Stick to hang everything from

Step 1: Cut your Kraft paper into squares. These will be your parcels.

Step 2: Use some fun wrapping paper to cut out your numbers. Or you can draw them on.

Step 3: Fold your Kraft paper squares into triangles and then attach your numbers to one side, in the middle so there is room to fold the edges.

Step 4: Fold your edges in on your Kraft triangles and tape one side closed.

Step 5: Fill you parcel with treats of choice and tape the second side closed.

Step 5: Arrange your string along the stick in different lengths. 

Step 6: Attached your triangles to the string. I used tape and stuck the string to the back of each triangle.

Step 7: Attach to the wall or wherever you wish to hang your masterpiece. 

Step 8: Decorate with foliage or decorations of choice. Some fairy lights would look great or some dried fruit too!

A fun DIY activity that the whole family will love to be part of. Now the hard part will be trying to keep us away from it until December 1.




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