Remembering to journal - how to spark this healthy habit

Remembering to journal - how to spark this healthy habit

We’ve all been there, creating a self-care ritual in your day to day life. Doing it daily and feeling great for the first few weeks only to see it slowly fade away, far off into the distance. Since becoming a mum, I have found this happening more and more often as my priorities have changed and now I have a little person that takes the cake! So it is so important that I create time for these things that significantly help my mind and body, so I can be the best person and mum possible.

Practicing daily gratitude is a great mindful ritual you can add to your day that can reduce stress, help you be more present and most of all, celebrate your life and achievements! I am going to be honest, I love this practice when it becomes part of my morning ritual, but I do fall off the horse sometimes.

So… how do we get back on track with this healthy habit? I’m going to give you a few simple ways that I find help me to stay on track.

Leave your journal in a place you will see it!

For me, this is the kitchen table. I see it throughout the day and it triggers me to use it! Usually I will sit down with my morning brew (after some stretches or meditation) and get writing. It sparks a happiness in my body, that gives me a positive boost to my day.

Complete self-care routine.

I rarely just journal, I use it within my morning routine. Each of these tasks I complete, help my mind and body in some way. Here is an average morning routine for me, that makes me feel replenished:

  • Wake up to a big glass of mineral/vitamin packed water
  • Put on a 10 minute meditation
  • Stretch/strength training/walk (not all at once, depending on the weather and my energy LOL)
  • Make a coffee and journal

Make time for the things that give you joy!

If you find journalling nourishing and a positive light in your day to day routine, make the time to do it. Life is busy and we need to focus on and make time for what is important to us, whether that be healthy habits or personal values. If I focus on my morning routine that makes me happy and thrive in my day. To complete my morning rituals I need to get up before my family. So I set my alarm and sneak out of my cosy bed to do what makes me happy, and I am a better person for it

Leave the guilt at the door!

Don’t worry if you miss a few days or weeks, or you use your journal every second day. Life happens, things happen. Get back into it once you get that spark back or you feel that nudge to go it.


I hope these things help you to keep going with your healthy habits and the rituals that make you happy. 

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